SEMICON China connects you to the world’s fastest-growing and most dynamic microelectronics market, and gives you the platform to showcase your products, technologies, and brand in front of the most qualified audience of industry professionals in China. SEMICON China 2025 will be held March 26 – March 28 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai, China.

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Remanufactured Semiconductor Equipment
We specialize in remanufacturing the leading semiconductor etch and deposition systems.
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MEMS Equipment for All Needs
From R&D to high volume manufacturing, our MEMS equipment meets your requirements.
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Yield and Cost Drive MEMS’ Move to Single-Wafer Processing
The case for single-wafer tools that can deposit or etch thinner films and meet more aggressive targets for process uniformity with high yield and repeatability is growing.